Monday 16 January 2017

Mount Kelly Disaster Relief!

On Friday 13th January 2017, to introduce our topic 'Active Planet' the children in Year 4 had the opportunity to role play what life could be like living near an active volcano.

They were asked to respond to a 'news report' that Vesuvius had erupted and our building had been chosen to be the disaster relief centre.

We researched what to do during and after an eruption then made a list of jobs that needed to be done. Managers were employed and the team got to work.

Tidying disused parts of the building.

Setting up a registration room.

Establishing a first aid area.

They also had to organise activities for the children as well as trying to provide food and water for everybody!

The children entered into the scenario wholeheartedly and with an excellent team spirit.

Families were reunited,

 and the ill were cared for.

All done in an hour! Exceptional co-operation and team work.

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