Friday 7 July 2017

Holiday Homework and Thanks!

As part of their English work in Year 5, the children will need to complete a Travel log over the holidays. This could be on paper, using Google Docs, or any other form of recording information about the places you visit. You could include photographs, diary entries, sketches and maps. This work will be used during the start of the Michaelmas term.

Many, many thanks for all your kind words, cards and gifts. All of the staff involved in Year 4 have been very lucky and have so enjoyed teaching such a special and enthusiastic group of children.

Have a wonderful holiday and we will look forward to seeing all of the children on Thursday 7th September.

Monday 3 July 2017

Year 4 Follow the River Tavy

Please have a look at the photos.

Year 4 spent Monday 3rd July following the River Tavy! We enjoyed activities involving the history of the Tavistock Canal at the museum, writing River Kennings in the park and testing water speed, PH levels and temperature down by the river. It was a super way to end our topic this term.

India Afternoon

On Wednesday 28th June 2017, as part of their IPC topic, Year 4 put on a festival of Indian splendour: learning to write their name in Hindi, smelling Indian spices, recreating the Indian flag, cooking and tasting delicious curry and coconut sweets, drawing the Aum symbol, dressing in saris, spice sampling, henna designs and recreating a structure of the Taj Mahal to name but a few!  The Year 4 classrooms were transformed into an explosion of colour and wonder and much fun was had by all.  The children were a credit to themselves with their complete autonomy over the whole event.  Well done Year 4!

India Afternoon Album

Friday 30 June 2017

The Terrific Tavy

This week please find out some interesting facts about the River Tavy.
  • similarities & differences to the River Ganges
  • the source of the Tavy
  • how long is it?
  • religious links
  • Vikings
  • where does it end?
  • legends and myths
On Monday we will be discussing these facts!

Friday 23 June 2017

The Great and Mystical Ganges

Year 4 have worked together to create this blog post for our Weekend Challenge.

Please find out why the River Ganges is so important to many of the people of India.

Remember it is India Afternoon on Wednesday 28th (come to school in uniform please)
Monday 26th is Urban Survival Day (come to school in Shackleton type clothing please)

Friday 16 June 2017

India Afternoon

Year 4 will be preparing for an exciting afternoon when we will visit each other's classrooms to experience a range of activities inspired by their Indian research. All the activities will be prepared and delivered by the children.

Please ensure you bring everything you need on Wednesday 21st June in order to get your activity ready for:

Indian Afternoon - Wednesday 28th June 

Thursday 8 June 2017


Find out about an aspect of India. Choose from:

  • Cooking and Eating
  • The Indian Flag
  • Weather and Climate
  • Culture and Traditions
  • Rivers
  • Cities
  • Monuments

Here are some useful websites:

National Geographic for Kids
Primary Homework Help
India for Children

 If you want to try out using the Year 4 Google Classroom please click here.

Don't worry if you would rather do this task in your own way, that's fine too!

Thursday 25 May 2017

Reflections on Year 4

We would like the children to spend some time over the half term reflecting on their learning journey in Year 4. They need to write/draw some of the things they have most enjoyed.
They will be using this work during the first few weeks back after half term.

You can scroll back through previous blog posts to help the children to remember things that might have happened a while ago.

Have a happy half term!

Friday 19 May 2017


As part of the Year 4 topic on Paintings, Pictures and Photographs, Year 4 have been finding out about Shadows and Chromatography.

Click on the links below to find out more!


Friday 12 May 2017

The Great Fire of London Revision

Year 4 have really enjoyed using pictures and  paintings to support our research into The Great Fire of London. It is time to put our knowledge to the test next week.

We really enjoyed travelling through the streets of London in 1666. Please click here and scroll down to Pudding Lane Productions.

Please take some time to look at the fact sheet we have compiled as a way of recapping what we have learned.

Here is a slide show which recounts the main events and some interesting facts - thank you Zak.

We enjoyed watching a short programme which allowed us to go back to 1666 on September 2nd...

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Baby Animals Visit Year 4

On Friday 5th May, Charlotte's mum kindly brought some baby rabbits and day old quails to visit Year 4. It was the first time they had ever been outside!

They were extremely cute and we enjoyed looking after our visitors.

Thank you Ms Underhill!

Friday 5 May 2017


Next week Year 4 will be working on using maps at a variety of scales to locate the position and geographical features of the local area. We would like the children to bring in maps of Tavistock and the surrounding area. These could be printed from Google maps or they could bring in a leaflet about a local tourist destination.
They can start to use their map skills using the Ordnance Survey Mapzone website.

Friday 28 April 2017

Which Dragon Are You?

1. Spend some time completing the quiz to find out your dragon's name.
2. Write a short story using your dragon as the main character.
3. Think about including wow words, similes and remember to take care with your handwriting.
4. An illustration would be great too!

Thursday 20 April 2017

Old Painting Research

As part of the introduction to our new IPC topic, Year 4 worked as a team to put the pieces of a puzzle together to create a completed image. 
The finished product was the picture below. Please find out as much as you can about the events depicted in this picture.
  • What is the painting of?
  • When did this event happen?
  • Why was it an important event in British history?
  • How do we know so much about what happened?

Friday 31 March 2017

Easter Holidays

Next half term we are starting a new topic called 

We would like the children to record some of their Easter Holiday Activities using these mediums. They may use captions to provide some explanation.

The children will also be given a round up spelling check of all the spelling patterns covered over the Lent term so please revise these over the Easter break.

An Iron Man reading comprehension activity has also been sent home for the children to complete.

We wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 19th April .

Friday 24 March 2017

The Great Victorian Investigation Part 2: Wednesday 29th March (dressing up!)
The children will have the opportunity to take part in an interactive quiz led by Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. This will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.
This weekend we ask that children revise for this using The Great Victorian Fact Sheet. This has been compiled using the information presented on Wednesday afternoon.

Please click on the link to watch a short compilation of the afternoon.

The Great Victorian Investigation Presentation Afternoon
  • Children are welcome to come to school dressed in a Victorian Costume of their choice. Please click on the link for ideas for Victorian Children's Costumes

Friday 17 March 2017

The Great Victorian Investigation

On Wednesday afternoon we are looking forward to beginning The Great Victorian Investigation.

Part 1: Wednesday 22nd March at 2:15pm
A 5 minute group presentation on an aspect of Victorian life (ideally not a powerpoint).
Each group member must contribute.
Children can use visual prompts such as posters/pictures/artefacts/dressing up.
They have been given a prompt card to complete over the weekend in order for them to write down what they will be saying or doing.
Please see the Victorian Presentation Groups.

Part 2: Wednesday 29th March (dressing up!)
An interactive quiz which will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.

We are looking for:
  • Know about the main events, dates and characteristics of the past societies they have studied.
  • Know about the lives of people in those periods.
  • Be able to give some reasons for particular events and changes
  • Be able to gather information from simple sources

Friday 10 March 2017

The Victorians

Year 4 are working together to produce a presentation about an aspect of the Victorian era which has sparked their interest.

It is important that they are all aware of key dates and events from this important time in British history.

Below are a few websites and videos which will help them to gain a fuller understanding of the Victorians.

Victorians for Children

Victorian Britain                                 

The Victorians

The children will be asked to present on their topic during the week beginning 20th March. The Lent term will finish with a Victorian Quiz for which children (and staff) are invited to dress up.

Friday 24 February 2017

World Book Day

Next Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day.

Click on the link to explore costume ideas and make sure you have your costume and book ready for Thursday. Keep it a secret!!

You can also write a book blurb about a favourite book.

Friday 10 February 2017

Half Term Activities

As part of our science lessons this week the children in Year 4 have been looking at a website which allows them to explore volcanoes from around the world inside and out! They particularly enjoyed clicking on 'Build your own Volcano!'

Click Volcano Explorer to find out more.

Over half term there will be some differentiated spelling consolidation activities sent home.

The Weekend Challenge will be to discover more about The Legend of Atlantis. This might even inspire a story!

Wednesday 1st March  Year 4 Trip to Morwellham Quay 
Letter to follow.

Have a wonderful half term.

Friday 3 February 2017

Weekend Challenge Choice - Instructions or Pompeii

This week Year 4 can choose which Weekend Challenge they will do.

Option 1: will follow up work done this week on writing instructions.

Please write a set of instructions for anything that interests you ie: making a sandwich, playing Minecraft, baking cupcakes ...

Open the link to the full task explanation and use slide 8 as a success criteria.
Iron Man Instruction Writing

Option 2:  is to ensure you know as many facts about Pompeii as possible! We will be finishing our eye-witness accounts. Marks will be awarded for accurate historical facts.

Friday 27 January 2017

Group Task

Next week Year 4 will be working with a group to produce one of the following:

  • a leaflet
  • a booklet
  • a poster
Year 4 have been given a volcanic region to research. They will need to to have information to show they understand where their region is and what there is to do and see in that area.

Group task:

Volcanos are important tourist attractions in many countries.

You will try to find out what attracts tourists to one of the following volcanic areas:

  1. Iceland: Geysers, hot springs, geo-thermal heated pools
  2. Hawaii: unique species of animals and plants
  3. USA, Yellowstone Park: Old Faithful Geyser
  4. Italy: Vesuvius, Mt Etna, Stromboli

Please spend some time reading about and gathering information which will help to complete this group task.

Friday 20 January 2017

Poetry Recital

Please spend some time this weekend finding a poem to recite as we will be compiling a list of chosen poems next week.

Here are some useful links to help you find a poem which you would be keen to learn.

The Guardian - 10 Poems to Remember and Recite

Michael Rosen - Poems to Perform

Poems for Kids to Memorise

BBC - Off by Heart

Below is the letter from Mrs Butcher which gives full details of the Poetry Recital Competition.

Dear Parents,

I am delighted to inform you that our annual Poetry Recital (Spoken English) Competition will launch at the start of the Lent term. The Final will be on Wednesday 22nd March, in the Front Hall at the Prep, at 6 pm.

All pupils from Years 3 – 8 inclusive participate in this Competition. Each child must select a poem, have it approved by his/her English teacher, learn the poem, and then recite it to their class. The best from each year group will then recite their poem to a panel of the English teachers, and approximately four finalists from each year group will then be selected to compete at the Final, to which parents and friends are warmly invited.

The purpose of this exercise is two-fold. Firstly, to inculcate a love of poetry, and especially spoken poetry, in all our children; and secondly, to build their confidence. Learning and reciting a poem is not an easy task, but the sense of achievement they all feel having completed the task is wonderful to see – and for shy children, who need only perform in the safe environment of their classroom, this is a particularly important skill we like to foster.

Obviously the length, complexity, and subject matter of the poems chosen should be appropriate to the age and ability of each child; the English teachers will have plenty of material for the children to choose from, or poems can be brought in from home. For children who take LAMDA classes, I would ask that any poem which has been used for examination or competitive purposes is not repeated for this exercise; though of course, practising the competition poems in their lessons is a huge help which I would encourage.

The competition focuses on Spoken English: therefore props/costumes etc are not allowed; “acting” as such is not expected, but of course the well-timed gesture and facial expressions which complement the poem are usually well regarded by the panel and the Final judge. Clear diction, a lively and engaging recitation, and, especially, the communication of a proper understanding of the meaning of the poem are key.

I do hope you will encourage your child to enjoy participating in this exercise, and also I remind you to put the Final date into your diary – do join us, whether or not your child reaches the dizzy heights of the Final!

If you require further information about the Poetry Recital Competition, do please contact me by email –

Yours sincerely,

Sally Butcher
Head of English Faculty (Prep)

Monday 16 January 2017

Mount Kelly Disaster Relief!

On Friday 13th January 2017, to introduce our topic 'Active Planet' the children in Year 4 had the opportunity to role play what life could be like living near an active volcano.

They were asked to respond to a 'news report' that Vesuvius had erupted and our building had been chosen to be the disaster relief centre.

We researched what to do during and after an eruption then made a list of jobs that needed to be done. Managers were employed and the team got to work.

Tidying disused parts of the building.

Setting up a registration room.

Establishing a first aid area.

They also had to organise activities for the children as well as trying to provide food and water for everybody!

The children entered into the scenario wholeheartedly and with an excellent team spirit.

Families were reunited,

 and the ill were cared for.

All done in an hour! Exceptional co-operation and team work.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Volcano Creative Writing Task

This week Year 4 have been writing using a visual stimulus to produce a piece of creative writing.

Choose one of the pictures below and write for 10-15 minutes .

Think about:

  • what you see, feel, hear, smell and taste
  • use literary devices such as rule of 3, exciting wow words and similes

Please edit your work once you have finished and check for spelling and punctuation.