Thursday 25 May 2017

Reflections on Year 4

We would like the children to spend some time over the half term reflecting on their learning journey in Year 4. They need to write/draw some of the things they have most enjoyed.
They will be using this work during the first few weeks back after half term.

You can scroll back through previous blog posts to help the children to remember things that might have happened a while ago.

Have a happy half term!

Friday 19 May 2017


As part of the Year 4 topic on Paintings, Pictures and Photographs, Year 4 have been finding out about Shadows and Chromatography.

Click on the links below to find out more!


Friday 12 May 2017

The Great Fire of London Revision

Year 4 have really enjoyed using pictures and  paintings to support our research into The Great Fire of London. It is time to put our knowledge to the test next week.

We really enjoyed travelling through the streets of London in 1666. Please click here and scroll down to Pudding Lane Productions.

Please take some time to look at the fact sheet we have compiled as a way of recapping what we have learned.

Here is a slide show which recounts the main events and some interesting facts - thank you Zak.

We enjoyed watching a short programme which allowed us to go back to 1666 on September 2nd...

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Baby Animals Visit Year 4

On Friday 5th May, Charlotte's mum kindly brought some baby rabbits and day old quails to visit Year 4. It was the first time they had ever been outside!

They were extremely cute and we enjoyed looking after our visitors.

Thank you Ms Underhill!

Friday 5 May 2017


Next week Year 4 will be working on using maps at a variety of scales to locate the position and geographical features of the local area. We would like the children to bring in maps of Tavistock and the surrounding area. These could be printed from Google maps or they could bring in a leaflet about a local tourist destination.
They can start to use their map skills using the Ordnance Survey Mapzone website.