Friday, 31 March 2017

Easter Holidays

Next half term we are starting a new topic called 

We would like the children to record some of their Easter Holiday Activities using these mediums. They may use captions to provide some explanation.

The children will also be given a round up spelling check of all the spelling patterns covered over the Lent term so please revise these over the Easter break.

An Iron Man reading comprehension activity has also been sent home for the children to complete.

We wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 19th April .

Friday, 24 March 2017

The Great Victorian Investigation Part 2: Wednesday 29th March (dressing up!)
The children will have the opportunity to take part in an interactive quiz led by Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. This will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.
This weekend we ask that children revise for this using The Great Victorian Fact Sheet. This has been compiled using the information presented on Wednesday afternoon.

Please click on the link to watch a short compilation of the afternoon.

The Great Victorian Investigation Presentation Afternoon
  • Children are welcome to come to school dressed in a Victorian Costume of their choice. Please click on the link for ideas for Victorian Children's Costumes

Friday, 17 March 2017

The Great Victorian Investigation

On Wednesday afternoon we are looking forward to beginning The Great Victorian Investigation.

Part 1: Wednesday 22nd March at 2:15pm
A 5 minute group presentation on an aspect of Victorian life (ideally not a powerpoint).
Each group member must contribute.
Children can use visual prompts such as posters/pictures/artefacts/dressing up.
They have been given a prompt card to complete over the weekend in order for them to write down what they will be saying or doing.
Please see the Victorian Presentation Groups.

Part 2: Wednesday 29th March (dressing up!)
An interactive quiz which will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.

We are looking for:
  • Know about the main events, dates and characteristics of the past societies they have studied.
  • Know about the lives of people in those periods.
  • Be able to give some reasons for particular events and changes
  • Be able to gather information from simple sources

Friday, 10 March 2017

The Victorians

Year 4 are working together to produce a presentation about an aspect of the Victorian era which has sparked their interest.

It is important that they are all aware of key dates and events from this important time in British history.

Below are a few websites and videos which will help them to gain a fuller understanding of the Victorians.

Victorians for Children

Victorian Britain                                 

The Victorians

The children will be asked to present on their topic during the week beginning 20th March. The Lent term will finish with a Victorian Quiz for which children (and staff) are invited to dress up.