Friday 24 February 2017

World Book Day

Next Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day.

Click on the link to explore costume ideas and make sure you have your costume and book ready for Thursday. Keep it a secret!!

You can also write a book blurb about a favourite book.

Friday 10 February 2017

Half Term Activities

As part of our science lessons this week the children in Year 4 have been looking at a website which allows them to explore volcanoes from around the world inside and out! They particularly enjoyed clicking on 'Build your own Volcano!'

Click Volcano Explorer to find out more.

Over half term there will be some differentiated spelling consolidation activities sent home.

The Weekend Challenge will be to discover more about The Legend of Atlantis. This might even inspire a story!

Wednesday 1st March  Year 4 Trip to Morwellham Quay 
Letter to follow.

Have a wonderful half term.

Friday 3 February 2017

Weekend Challenge Choice - Instructions or Pompeii

This week Year 4 can choose which Weekend Challenge they will do.

Option 1: will follow up work done this week on writing instructions.

Please write a set of instructions for anything that interests you ie: making a sandwich, playing Minecraft, baking cupcakes ...

Open the link to the full task explanation and use slide 8 as a success criteria.
Iron Man Instruction Writing

Option 2:  is to ensure you know as many facts about Pompeii as possible! We will be finishing our eye-witness accounts. Marks will be awarded for accurate historical facts.