Thursday, 15 December 2016

Christmas Scrapbook

Christmas will be filled with many exciting activities so we would like you to spend some time recording these in the form of a Christmas Scrapbook. Postcards, maps, diary entries, special Christmas cards, photographs, art work, plane tickets...anything that shows some of the things you do over the Christmas holidays.

Creative Writing:
As part of your scrap book, please also write a story entitled 'A Christmas to Remember'. Try to include all of the things we have been studying this term:
  • Connectives (Firstly, eventually, meanwhile…)
  • Similes
  • Spellings
  • Powerful vocabulary
  • Punctuation 
  • Handwriting (ascenders and descenders)
  • Alliteration
  • Metaphors
  • Paragraphs

There are some 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' reading comprehension activities for you to complete as well as reading every day.

Please make sure you complete your active learn online maths activities and keep practising your times tables.

Have a well deserved break and enjoy your Christmas holidays. We look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready to begin our new topic 'Active Planet' on Monday 9th January 2017.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Rainforest Concern

After an inspirational assembly from Joshua Bratt and Lewis Critchley from 4J, the sum of
£154.55 was raised at the cake sale on Friday.

This is enough money to sponsor 3 acres of rainforest!

Rainforest Concern have been in touch to say thank you and have sent a link to their website so that you can access all their educational resources.

Click here  if you want to find out more.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Active Planet

Next term Year 4 will be starting a new IPC topic called 'Active Planet'.
This weekend would be a good opportunity for children to explore what they know about the planets and our solar system.

We will also be having a round-up of all the spellings we have learned this half term. Please use your Look, Cover, Write, Check books to revise spelling patterns and make sure you know what the words mean too!