Saturday, 22 October 2016

Hello Friends in Argentina

Year 4 have been working on a presentation to share with pupils at St Hilda's College in Argentina.
It tells them about our school and locality. Click here to see the presentation.

We have also written emails to them with information about ourselves and questions for them to answer.

We hope to get some responses while we are on half term...

During half term we would like  you to create a poster or leaflet full of information about Argentina/South America. We are focusing on handwriting and presentation in Year 4 at the moment so please try to do this by hand.

You have also received a letter about Postcard Pandemonium from Mrs Butcher.

Have a wonderful half term.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Chocolate Facts!

We have begun our new IPC unit this week on 'Chocolate'.
Mr Willy Wonka burst into our English lesson after losing his way to his chocolate factory.


This week's Weekend Challenge is to find out some facts about chocolate. Please think about presenting your facts in an imaginative way and ensure it is not something we have already found out ie: The most expensive/cheapest chocolate bar in your local shop or the most popular chocolate bar in you family and why.
The  most interesting facts will be chosen to go onto a Golden Ticket.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

4P Assembly 'International Mindedness'

Year 4 did an assembly on International Mindedness.
Click the pic to see it or click here

Well done Year 4P!

Friday, 7 October 2016

Haiku Challenge

As part of the work done for National Poetry Day this week, the children have been writing their own Haikus.

This week's Weekend Challenge is to write a Haiku about...

Remember to think about the following criteria:
3 lines....5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.
Please use lots of Wow Words!

A big thank you to all of the parents and family who came in this morning to support 4P. The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole process and did us proud.

Video to follow soon...

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Year 4 Assemblies

Year 4P Class Assembly Friday 7th October at 8:40am in Wortham Hall.

Next week is Year 4J.